Dec 10, 2008

works-for-me wednesday

Can you believe that I haven't read a book (besides a book to Addy) in years? Yeah, it's true. It's sad. I used to read all the time.

Just recently, my sister in law explained a project that she's working on. It's called 30 by 30 (or something like that). Many of her friends will be turning 30 in the next year or two and they've decided to make it a joyus occasion. Some of them are writing lists of 30 things they want to accomplish by their 30th. Some are writing lists of 30 places to visit, 30 foods to try, 30 people to meet... you get the point. My sister in law is asking her friends and family to each suggest a book for her to read. She'll be reading 30 books (one a month) until her 30th birthday. She's asking for suggestions because she wants each person to choose a book for her based on something they enjoy, something they think she'll enjoy, something meaningful to them, something that reminds them of her... etc.

The book that came to mind was My Side of the Mountain, written by Jean Craighead George. I read it first when I was in 4th or 5th grade? It's a Newbery Honor Book from 1960. It's a book about a young, adventurous boy who resourcefully survives alone in the mountains. As a young girl, I dreamed of running away to follow in the character's footsteps, learning as I traveled, about life and living. The reason I am going to suggest this book to my sister in law? She's an adventurous soul who has traveled the world and lived, quite resourcefully, in many different places. While she strives to help others, she also seems to always be looking for the next place. I hope this book helps her understand that it's ok to live in the moment and enjoy your surroundings but also helps her celebrate her adventurous spirit. We are all so proud of her accomplishments. Holding a Masters degree from Georgetown University, I'm sure she's expecting her friends and family to reccommend heavy themed non-fiction journals and such, but I hope she will enjoy what this book has to offer.

Since she's also asked us to scale back for Christmas this year, I am looking to purchase a book for her from a second hand store. I searched the two second had book stores in our little town and wasn't able to find this book, however, I did find 7 other books that I remember reading as a child that happened to also be on the Newbery Medal/Honor Book list. So, my resolution for 2009? Read more! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for the books from that list and I plan to try to read the whole list.

So, my sister in law's 30 by 30 project has inspired me to make a great resolution for my life. Looking to others for inspiration works for me. So do second hand book stores!

Read about what works for other bloggers over at works-for-me wednesday by Rocks In My Dryer.


JessieLeigh said...

That's a great resolution! And I love the thought behind the book you chose for your SIL. I'm sure she'll love it! (And it'll be a nice break from all that heavy reading... :))

I read constantly, several books a week... but that's because I read while I work out, I read before bed, I read while hubby watches TV, well, you get the picture! I was an English Lit major and, well, I guess it's just in my blood!

Wani said...

I love the 30 by 30 idea! I'll be 29 in Feb and I think I might try to rope a few friends into doing our own 30 by 30 lists! Thanks for sharing!
BTW - I think you asked me if my Joe was getting speech from First Steps... yes. He is getting everything that FS offers now. We had a developmental specialist at Riley (and his DT and FS ed team) recommend that Speech be added after he'd been in PT and DT for a few months. Just email me if you want to talk details.

mub said...

I love My Side of the Mountain, it's certainly one of my very favorite books! I did a 26 by 27 list on my blog several weeks ago, but I need to snap to it if I plan on making any progress on it *L*

Raise Them Up said...

My Side Of The Mountain is a book that remains one of my fondest memories of reading as a child.

I recently searched for it for my 9and 10 year old boys in our library and couldn't find it. I gave up at the time, but, thanks to you, I'm renewing my mission. :)